According to Sandicor MLS: In Springs Valley, CA 91977 - when comparing the most recent 6 month period with the same period last year, the median $/Sqft changed -7% and the median sale price changed -4%. When comparing the most recent 6 month period with the previous 6 month period, the median $/Sqft changed 0% and the median sale price changed -2%. Based on the current active listings and the number of sales over the past 30 days, there are currently 3 months of housing inventory and the median marketing time for closed sales has been 44 days. Over the past year 48% of all sales were bank sales (28%) or short sales (19%). Also, 5% of all sales were undeclared in terms of their sales restrictions and agents regularly fail to categorize their bank/short sale listings so the actual ratios of these sales are likely higher.

Brian Ward
Spring Valley Real Estate Appraiser
(888) 844-1733
Brian Ward
Spring Valley Real Estate Appraiser
(888) 844-1733