When considering newer homes built within the past 10 years and in the city of San Jacinto, CA - property values have changed less than 5% over the past year indicating a stable property values trend. There are currently 5 months of inventory indicating a balanced demand/supply trend. The median marketing time over the past 3 months was 62 days indicating a marketing time trend of under 3 months. 71% of all sales over the past 3 months were bank sales or short sales which is a decrease from 90% one year ago but among the highest ratios in the nation and which is putting downward pressure on property values.
Do you need a real estate appraisal or would like to speak with a real estate expert about a property in San Diego or Riverside County, CA? Please give us a call for a no pressure and free consultation.
Brian Ward Appraisal
(951) 345-6542